Web Development Tutorials


Copying Files

This section describes how to use PHP to copy files. The following example illustrates how to copy the contents of one file to another file:



$orig_filename = "myfile.txt";

$new_filename = "myNewfile.txt";

$status = copy($orig_filename, $new_filename) or die("Could not copy file contents");

echo "Contents sucessfully copied";


The first step is to create a variable to hold the full path to the original file whose contents will be copied:

$orig_filename = "myfile.txt"; 

Next, a second variable is created to hold the full path to the new file that will be created:

$new_filename = "myNewfile.txt"; 

The copy() function is executed, accepting two parameters, the path of the original file - $orig_filename, and the path of the new file - $new_filename. The copy() function returns a value of true if the copy is completed successfully;otherwise a value of false is returned. The returned value is stored in the variable $status.

$status = copy($orig_filename, $new_filename) or die("Could not copy file contents"); 

If the copy() function fails, the die() function executes displaying an error message. Otherwise, success message is displayed using the echo statement.

echo "Contents sucessfully copied"; 

In the previous section, the fwrite() function was used along with the fread() function to read the contents of one file and write the contents to a new file. Unless the contents of the original file are being appended to an existing file, the copy() function provides a more straightforward approach for copying content from an existing file to a new file.

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